PHP String count_chars

Syntax:mixed count_chars ( string $string [, int $mode = 0 ] ) Description:count_chars — Return information about characters used in a string.Counts the number of occurrences of every byte-value (0..255) in string and returns it in various ways. Return Values: 0 – an array with the byte-value as key and the frequency of every byte as value. 1 – same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency greater than zero are listed. 2 – same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency equal to zero are listed. 3 – a string containing all unique characters is returned. 4 – a string containing all not used characters is returned.

Example 1

$data = "Three TTs and one F.";

foreach (count_chars($data, 1) as $i => $val) {
   echo "There were $val instance(s) of \"" , chr($i) , "\" in the string.\n<br/>";


There were 4 instance(s) of " " in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "." in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "F" in the string.
There were 3 instance(s) of "T" in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "a" in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "d" in the string.
There were 3 instance(s) of "e" in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "h" in the string.
There were 2 instance(s) of "n" in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "o" in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "r" in the string.
There were 1 instance(s) of "s" in the string. 


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