Category Archives: Yii Framework

Yii createCommand Delete

Functions function delete($table, $conditions=”, $params=array()) The delete() method builds and executes a DELETE SQL statement.’$table’ is a table name of delete from.’$conditions’ and ‘$params’ is like where condition of delete statement Sample <?php $user=Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->delete(‘tbl_user’, ‘user_id=:id’, array(‘:id’=>2)); ?> OUTPUT SQL DELETE FROM `tbl_user` WHERE user_id=:id

Yii createCommand Insert

Functions function insert($table, $columns) The insert() method builds and executes an INSERT SQL statement. Sample 1 <?php $user=Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->insert(‘tbl_user’, array(‘username’=>’bsourcecode’,’usertype’=>1,’password’=>’hai’)); ?> OUTPUT SQL INSERT INTO `tbl_user` (`username`, `usertype`,’password’) VALUES (:username,:usertype, :password) Sample 2 <?php $name=’india’; $isactive=1; $command= Yii::app()->db->createCommand( “INSERT INTO regionmaster (`regionname`,`isactive`) VALUES (:name,:isactive)”); $command->bindValue(‘:name’, $name); $command->bindValue(‘:isactive’, $isactive); $sql_result = $command->execute(); ?> OUTPUT SQL INSERT […]

Yii createCommand queryAll

I posted here examples of createCommand Query with properties. createCommand Properties are distinct, from, group, having, join, limit, offset, params, pdoStatement, select and where. CDbCommand represents an SQL statement to execute against a database. bindParam used to bind a php variable to parameter in SQL query. bindValue is used to bind a value to and […]

Yii createCommand Update

Functions function update($table, $columns, $conditions=”, $params=array()) Sample The update() method builds and executes an UPDATE SQL statement. <?php $user=Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->update(‘tbl_user’, array( ‘username’=>’bsourcecode’, ), ‘user_id=:id’, array(‘:id’=>1)); ?> OUTPUT SQL UPDATE `tbl_user` SET `username`=:username WHERE user_id=:id

Insert, Update And Change Password In Yii Model

This tutorial will help you to understand “how to handle password field in yii”. I used scenario concept to change password. So the rule of models was configured based on scenario concept of yii framework.It was working fine for me. In Model.php Rules public function rules() { return array( array(‘username, password,confirmpassword’, ‘required’, ‘on’=>’insert’), array(‘username, password,confirmpassword’, […]

Yii Model Update

This tutorial will help you to get the information about yii update function. I added the source code to update one or multiple records using different update function in yii framework model. <?php $model=User::model()->updateByPk($ID,array(“status”=>’DECLINED’)); $model=User::model()->updateAll(array( ‘first_name’=>”$firstname”, ’email’=>”$email” ), “UserID=$id and status IS NULL ” ); $model=User::model()->updateAll(array( ‘status’ => 1), ‘UserID =’.$userid); ?>

Yii Model Delete

This tutorial will help you to delete the record from database table using model in yii framework. I added the code to delete one or more record using yii framework model. /** 1 **/ $model=User::model()->findByPk($id); if($model) $model->delete(); /** 2 **/ $model=User::model()->deleteAll(); /** 3 **/ $model=User::model()->deleteAll(array(“condition”=>”userid=’$id'”)); /** 4 **/ $mode=User::model()->deleteAll(“status=’A'”);